Ontario ODSP Payment Dates and Benefits 2025

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This article summarizes Ontario’s ODSP payment dates in 2025, the ODSP amounts and benefits you will get, eligibility requirements, and how to apply.

The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Ontario Works are income assistance programs available to Ontarians who don’t have enough money to live on.

In particular, ODSP aims to help residents with disabilities meet their financial, shelter, and employment needs.

ODSP Payment Dates in 2025

The ODSP payment dates for 2025 are:

Benefit monthODSP Payment Date
January 2025January 31, 2025
February 2025February 28, 2025
March 2025March 31, 2025
April 2025April 30, 2025
May 2025May 30, 2025
June 2025June 30, 2025
July 2025July 31, 2025
August 2025August 29, 2025
September 2025September 29, 2025
October 2025October 31, 2025
November 2025November 28, 2025
December 2025TBD

As shown above, ODSP benefits are usually deposited in your bank account on the last business day of the month.

ODSP Benefits Explained

The ODSP comprises many benefits, which are summarized below

ODSP Income Support

Eligible ODSP recipients can receive financial support to pay for basic needs, shelter, as well as health benefits.

1. ODSP Basic Needs Benefit

This ODSP benefit takes care of everyday needs, including food, clothing, transportation, and other personal needs.

How much you get is based on the number of dependants and their age, your location, and whether you have a spouse who is also disabled.

A single recipient can get up to $786 monthly to cover their basic needs; up to $1,134 if they have a spouse (not disabled) but no other dependants; and up to $1,569 if their spouse also has a disability.

ODSP recipients who live north of the 50th parallel in remote communities where there is no year-round road access receive extra ODSP basic needs benefits.

2. OSDP Shelter Benefits

This OSDP income support helps to offset the cost of shelter, including rent, mortgage loan payments, property taxes, utilities, water, insurance premiums, sewage, and more.

The current rates vary depending on your family size up to a maximum amount.

Benefit Unit SizeMaximum Monthly
Shelter Allowance

A board and lodging amount may apply if you are with family or accommodation where food is brought and prepaid for you.

3. ODSP Health Benefits

Recipients of ODSP income support may qualify for health benefits, including:

Prescription drug coverage: This includes coverage for prescription drugs listed in the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary. A co-payment of up to $2 per prescription may be charged by some pharmacies.

Dental Coverage: Your kids aged 17 and under are enrolled in Healthy Smiles Ontario and receive a dental card. You and your spouse may also get coverage for basic dental work as well as prescribed medications and treatments relating to your oral health.

Vision coverage: If you are not already receiving benefits under OHIP, you may qualify for vision care benefits, including eye exams, prescription eyeglasses, and costs of repair.

Nutritional allowance: Get up to $40/month to assist with the costs of a regular diet or up to $50/month for specialized diets if you or a family member are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Extended health benefit: ODSP recipients who are no longer eligible for income support may be able to access extended health benefits to offset the costs required to meet their healthcare needs.

ODSP Employment Support

The ODSP program can help you find employment and encourages recipients to work full or part-time when possible.

Employment supports include job coaching, on-the-job supports, provision of adaptive technology and assistive devices, mentoring, interpreter services, training, and more.

Eligibility for ODSP

Several factors are considered when determining whether you qualify for ODSP or not.

You must meet age, residency, financial, and disability thresholds before you can receive ODSP benefits.

Age: ODSP recipients must be at least 18 years of age. You can start the application process up to 6 months before you turn 18.

Residency: Applicants must live in Ontario.

Financial requirements: To qualify for ODSP, you must be able to show that your household’s finances are unable to cover your basic living expenses.

A caseworker looks at the financial information you provide, plus other factors when assessing whether or not you qualify.

Factors they consider include how much you are earning, benefits you receive, e.g. Canada Child Benefit (CCB), EI, GAINS, and CPP, and your assets.

Some income sources are exempt when calculating your total income. This includes CCB, Ontario Child Benefit, RDSP, and child support. You can find others here.

Some assets are also exempt, including your primary home, vehicle, trust funds (up to a limit), RESP and RDSP funds, life insurance policies (up to a limit), etc.

While you may have non-exempt assets while on ODSP, they are limited to:

  • $40,000: for singles
  • $50,000: for a couple

Disability requirements: An ODSP recipient must qualify as a “person with a disability” as defined by the ODSP Act.

This means that they must have a significant mental or physical impairment that affects them continuously or on a recurrent basis and is expected to last for one year or longer.

This disability must significantly affect their ability to work, take care of themselves, and participate in the general community.

Lastly, the disability has to be confirmed by an approved health professional.

Applicants are required to complete a Disability Determination Package when submitting an application to ODSP.

How To Apply for ODSP in 2025

You can start your application for ODSP online or by visiting the ODSP office in your area.

The first step in the application process involves showing you meet the program’s financial eligibility requirements.

A caseworker will contact you to obtain the necessary information, including your household’s income, assets, and expenses.

A decision on your financial eligibility is provided within 15 business days.

Secondly, you will receive a Disability Determination Package that is completed by you and approved by healthcare professionals.

After completing the forms in the package, send them to the ODSP Disability Adjudication Unit. It may take up to 90 days to get a decision, depending on the complexity of your circumstances.

ODSP Increase 2025

ODSP benefits increased by 6.5% in 2023.

The Ontario government also has announced it will index ODSP benefits to inflation starting in July 2023.

Monthly earnings exemption for ODSP increase from $200 to $1,000 monthly in 2023.

There is no information on what the ODSP increase will be in 2025.

ODSP Program Overview

Ontario Disability Support Program is one of the social assistance programs in the province to help Ontario residents who suffer from disabilities access income and employment supports.

Income support provides financial help so that eligible recipients can pay for daily living expenses like food and shelter.

Employment supports helps people with disabilities find and keep employment.

In British Columbia, a similar government benefit for helping disabled persons is referred to as the Persons with Disability (PWD) program.


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